In Belgium, it is permitted under certain conditions to watch, buy or produce pornography. However, there is severe punishment for watching, possessing, producing or distributing images of child abuse (child pornography).
What is legal?
It is legal to:
- privately watch legal pornography;
- to pay for legal pornography;
- to produce pornography, as long as it is legal pornography and the adult participants agree.
What is illegal?
It is illegal to:
- produce pornography without the consent of the adult participants;
- to distribute pornography without the consent of the participants, even if they gave consent for the images/video to be taken;
- to distribute images/videos of punishable sexual acts, such as rape or sex with animals;
- to take or distribute images/videos of the sexual abuse of minors (child pornography; pornography involving people younger than 18 years of age);
- to buy, download or watch images/videos of sexual abuse (child pornography).
- Prison sentences of a minimum of 1 to 5 years for viewing and downloading images/videos of the sexual abuse of minors.
- Producing, distributing or selling images/videos of the sexual abuse of minors are punishable by 5 to 10 years’ imprisonment.
More information or help needed?
CAW - Centrum Algemeen Welzijn
Centre for general well-being - Help with all kinds of issues: a difficult relationship, medical, financial, administrative, legal or material problems, family problems,... CAWs also provide assistance to victims of violence and abuse. Find a CAW in your neighbourhood:
Violett Antwerpen
Health care and support to sex workers, also STI and HIV testing
03 293 95 91, 0472 53 02 39
Violett Gent
Help for sex workers, also STI and HIV testing
09 233 47 67
Espace P - Brussel
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
02 219 98 74
Espace P - Arlon
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
0474 13 86 54
Espace P - Liège
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
04 221 05 09
Espace P - Mons
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
065 8470 09
Espace P - Namur
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
081 77 68 21, 081 72 16 21